Category: News

BKWine Blog

Malbec wine from Paris!

The long established vineyard Clos Montmartre in Paris, just behind Sacre Coeur, must now face new competition. It is the Bretonneau hospital in the 18th arrondisment that has launched its first vintage of Clos Bretonneau.

EU wine reform agreed

The hotly debated reform of the wine scheme within the EU agricultural policy has finally been agreed. Albeit a substantially weaker reform than originally proposed by commissioner Mariann Fischer-Boel it is still a step in

JF Quenin new President in St Emilion

Conseil des Vins de Saint Emilion has elected a new President: Jean-François Quenin at Château de Pressac. Quenin has an earlier career in retail and home electronics behind him before acquiring one of St Emilion’s

Vinexpo 2009

Vinexpo is the world’s biggest wine show. It takes place every second year. The next edition will be on 21-25 June 2009.

New counter measures against counterfeit wines

In parallel with exclusive wines becoming more and more expensive counterfeit wine bottles are becoming a more frequent problem. Much fake wine is no doubt never found out but sometimes you hear stories about a

350, 600 and 400 years old vines

Some time ago we wrote about some very old vines in Bordeaux., our Danish colleague, has picked up on the story and has found one that is 350 years old in Alto Adige in

The five factors that determines a successful vintage

According to professor Denis Dubordieu at the wine university of Bordeaux there are five main factors that determines the quality of a vintage: 1) a rapid and early flowering; 2) moderate lack of water during

The influence of the moon on wine racking

Is it important that you rack the wine in the “right” moon phase? Is wine and cheese the perfect combination? These and ten other “truths” are discusses in an opinionated article on Read it

Some press clippings

Our latest BKWine wine tour launches have attracted some attention in various places. We are very glad for the mentions. Here are some: – Vagablond – Luxist – – – Modern Agent /

Wine chemists’ conference

In Vino Analytica Scientia” is an international symposium focusing on wine chemistry and sensory analysis. The next edition will take place on 2-4 July 2009 in Anger in the Loire Valley. They will be calling

World wine consumption up, a bit

We drink more and more wine in the world. OIV (Organisation International de la Vigne et du Vin) estimates that consumption in 2007 reached 240 million hectolitres. That’s approximately the same level as 2006 but

Champagne Utopia and other quotes

“We are working in a Utopia at the moment. The increase of the permitted yield and the setting on place of the individual reserve (up to the equivalent of 8,000 kilos of grapes per hectare)

Argentine wine exports

Wine exports from Argentina are increasing steadily. Between 2005 and 2007 it grew from 11.8 million cases to 16.2 M cases. Over the same period the average price per exported litre of wine increased from

Champagne exports

France drinks a bit more than half of all the champagne sold (53%). The biggest export markets are: 1. UK, 11% 2. USA, 7% 3. Germany, 3.4% 4. Italy, 3% 5. Japan, 2.7% Followed by

Big Brother Champagne

The small village Champagne in Switzerland has been the subject of posts previously in the Brief when they attracted the attention of the Champagne region and CIVC in France. French Champagne did not like that

World’s best sommelier interviewed on

In 2007 Andreas Larsson was crowned world’s best sommelier. He was recently interviewed on the American internet radio Listen to the interview with Andreas on what his favourite wines are, and on his other

Chardonnay Dulce Alb at Chateau Vartely in Moldova

World’s best Chardonnay

The competition The World’s Best Chardonnay was recently held in Burgundy. 60 wines were awarded gold medals and 202 had silver out of 953 contestants. The gold medals were well spread out over the world:

Blogging wine economists

The American Association of Wine has launched a new blog on the theme of wine, economics and marketing. Some of the subjects discussed already are: the extension of Champagne, wine in China and valuing Bordeaux

Cash in on your old bottles

Parisians in need of cash can now go to the pawn shop and leave their wines. Crédit Municipal de Paris, who opened shop for wine deposits recently, received wine valued at €45,000 in the first

WiFi and climate control in the vineyard

In the last Brief we talked about GrapeNetworks who has developed a solution based on climate and humidity sensors connected through a WiFi network to improve vineyard management. It allows for better resource and water

Australia biggest exporter to Sweden

In dramatic contrast to Denmark, let’s take a look at Sweden and the sales statistics. The “old world” is struggling considerably more here, and in particular France. Here’s the top ten exporters of wine to

Petition for cork-cork

A group of environmentally minded people have launched a petition to preserve and promote the natural cork, and in particular the forests that produce the cork bark. A change to screw cap risks damaging the

France in the lead in Denmark – for the moment

France, Italy and Spain are holding on to their positions on the Danish market although they have lost a few percentage points in market share. This is the top list (source: and Vin og

Californian wine snapshot

Wine is, according to a press release from The Wine Institute, the number one finished agricultural product in retail value in the US. Here’s some more statistics: — California produces 90% of all wine in

Record wine exports from the USA

2007 was a record year also for American wine exports. Wine worth $951M (€606M) were shipped, up 8.6% in value. Californian wines completely dominate US exports accounting for 95% of all exports. 50% of exports

Malbec wine from Paris!

The long established vineyard Clos Montmartre in Paris, just behind Sacre Coeur, must now face new competition. It is the Bretonneau hospital in the 18th

EU wine reform agreed

The hotly debated reform of the wine scheme within the EU agricultural policy has finally been agreed. Albeit a substantially weaker reform than originally proposed

JF Quenin new President in St Emilion

Conseil des Vins de Saint Emilion has elected a new President: Jean-François Quenin at Château de Pressac. Quenin has an earlier career in retail and

Vinexpo 2009

Vinexpo is the world’s biggest wine show. It takes place every second year. The next edition will be on 21-25 June 2009.

350, 600 and 400 years old vines

Some time ago we wrote about some very old vines in Bordeaux., our Danish colleague, has picked up on the story and has found

Some press clippings

Our latest BKWine wine tour launches have attracted some attention in various places. We are very glad for the mentions. Here are some: – Vagablond

Wine chemists’ conference

In Vino Analytica Scientia” is an international symposium focusing on wine chemistry and sensory analysis. The next edition will take place on 2-4 July 2009

World wine consumption up, a bit

We drink more and more wine in the world. OIV (Organisation International de la Vigne et du Vin) estimates that consumption in 2007 reached 240

Champagne Utopia and other quotes

“We are working in a Utopia at the moment. The increase of the permitted yield and the setting on place of the individual reserve (up

Argentine wine exports

Wine exports from Argentina are increasing steadily. Between 2005 and 2007 it grew from 11.8 million cases to 16.2 M cases. Over the same period

Champagne exports

France drinks a bit more than half of all the champagne sold (53%). The biggest export markets are: 1. UK, 11% 2. USA, 7% 3.

Big Brother Champagne

The small village Champagne in Switzerland has been the subject of posts previously in the Brief when they attracted the attention of the Champagne region

Chardonnay Dulce Alb at Chateau Vartely in Moldova

World’s best Chardonnay

The competition The World’s Best Chardonnay was recently held in Burgundy. 60 wines were awarded gold medals and 202 had silver out of 953 contestants.

Blogging wine economists

The American Association of Wine has launched a new blog on the theme of wine, economics and marketing. Some of the subjects discussed already are:

Cash in on your old bottles

Parisians in need of cash can now go to the pawn shop and leave their wines. Crédit Municipal de Paris, who opened shop for wine

Australia biggest exporter to Sweden

In dramatic contrast to Denmark, let’s take a look at Sweden and the sales statistics. The “old world” is struggling considerably more here, and in

Petition for cork-cork

A group of environmentally minded people have launched a petition to preserve and promote the natural cork, and in particular the forests that produce the

Californian wine snapshot

Wine is, according to a press release from The Wine Institute, the number one finished agricultural product in retail value in the US. Here’s some

Record wine exports from the USA

2007 was a record year also for American wine exports. Wine worth $951M (€606M) were shipped, up 8.6% in value. Californian wines completely dominate US

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