Category: News

BKWine Blog

Study wine in British Columbia

The University of British Columbia in western Canada runs a series of wine courses as part of their continuing studies program. In February they have a special interest course on the wines from Okanagan, in

Sex sells cheese

Maybe they simply thought it was worth a try. For the fifth consecutive year the Association Fromage et Terroir publishes a calendar with cheesy photos. Each year they have featured lightly clad ladies, but this

Sex sells wine

No doubt it can contribute to the sales. The producer is called Domaine de l’Abbaye de Saint Hilaire. The monastic style seems to have been lost a long time ago, judging from their communications. A

Alsace Grand Cru quick facts

– 51 ’lieu dits’ (place names) are included in the Grand Cru denomination, covering 1,750 hectares – 914 ha of GC is in production (compared to a total of 11,459 ha for Alsace and 3,162

Côtes de Bourg quick facts

– Some 500 grape growers: 259 independent producers, 171 cooperatuers – 3900 ha vineyards with red grapes, 25 ha (!) with white grapes – Red grape varieties: merlot 65%, cabernet sauvignon 20%, malbec 10%, cabernet

Côtes de Bourg remains in sole isolation?

Côtes de Bourg will not be part of the newly created Côtes de Bordeaux appellation. It can be difficult to understand why one would choose not to be part of the collaboration (originally they were

The Côtes in Bordeaux now officially married

There have been five “côtes”-appellations in Bordeaux: Premières Côtes de Blaye, Côtes de Francs, Côtes de Castillon, Premières Côtes de Bordeaux and Côte de Bourg. INAO has just approved officially the merger of four of

Wine-filled chocolate, wine-flavoured salt…

Christmas time is often when we indulge (more than usual) in sweets and other goodies. Is chocolate filled with wine the perfect Christmas present for the wine lover? 80% merlot, 20% cabernet sauvignon, 72 %

Call for papers for wine economists

The American Association of Wine Economists has launched a call for papers for their yearly conference in 2010. So if you have some good idea on a micro or macro economic subject on wine you

New Wine Tech gallery / slide show

In our (recently started) series of galleries on slightly more technical issues around vine growing and wine making, and not just pretty grapes or beautiful chateaux, we have just published our second slide show. The

Wine sales up again – in the US

Sales of wine in October were up 7% according to numbers released by Nielsen for the US market. Sales dropped sharply at the beginning of the year but picked up a tiny bit in September.

Buy an organic vineyard

If you feel tempted to invest in a vineyard and winery, and in particular in an organic one, then there are three currently for sale at Vignobles Investissment: One in Minervois La Livière with 80

Organic vineyards increasing in France

3.3% of all French vineyards are cultivated organically. It adds up to a total of 28 000 ha. The acreage increased with 25% in 2008. the agricultural ministry has set a target of 20% of

A Bordeaux chateau goes up in smoke

Figuratively speaking. Chateau Labegorce Zédé (Médoc, Bordeaux) will cease to exist as a wine as of 2009. Both Labegorce Zédé and Chateau Labegorce are owned by the family of the deceased Hubert Perrodo. The two

Why white wine goes better with fish

White wine with fish is one of the best known rules of thumbs in food and wine matching. Researchers at Mercian Corp in Fujisawa in Japan has discovered why red wine and fish don’t marry

Glasses of rose wine

Rosé port

There’s a new category of port wine: rosé. The Port Wine Institute (IDVP) has approved rosé port as a denomination. Already last year Croft launched a rosé port: Croft Pink. Formally, it has been considered

Antinori makes wine in Romania

“[Romaina] has all the right ingredients to produce great wines: perfect climate, very good exposure, great terroirs.” Piero Antinori says to Decanter. He has just launched his first Romanian wine, Cantus Primus 2007, made in

Parsed wine

Are you looking for a nice gift to give to your enemy? Perhaps one of the strange decanters made by the artist Etienne Meneau can fit the bill? The shape of the decanters is reminiscent

Box bar?

Can you make BiBs trendy? The first “pop up bar” is what they call it. The wine importer Philipson Söderberg has launched a wine bar dedicated to the “celebration of bag-in-box wines” in the centre

White wine is dangerous for your teeth

The high acidity found in most white wines can damage your teeth, according to a report in Nutrition Research. The acidity in the wine attacks the calcium and erodes the enamel. If you eat e.g. closes down it’s wine shop

It was big news in e-commerce when decided to launch a wine shop. But even before the shop has started they have decided to close down the wine sale project at Amazon. We haven’t

Organic wine growing up 35% in Catalonia

According to the latest statistics (up to August) from Catalonia the total surface area of vineyards farmed organically has increased by 35% over the first eight months this year. Organic vineyard farming has now reached

Laroche winery sold to Jeanjean

The well known wine producer Laroche has now been sold to Jeanjean. Michel Laroche thereby concludes his efforts to sell the company that he has created. Laroche has vineyards and négociant activities in Chablis (100

Wokingham Wine Festival

Another charity event: the Wokingham Wine Festival on December 5 and 6. It is for the benefit of the Multiple Sclerosis Society of the Thames Valley. Wine lovers can come and taste and buy interesting

Naked Absolut – Absolut irony

We read in the newsletter WoW News (no, it’s not about computer games!) that Absolut Vodka is launching a new marketing campaign: Naked Absolut: ” In An Absolut World, There Are No Labels” with e.g.

Study wine in British Columbia

The University of British Columbia in western Canada runs a series of wine courses as part of their continuing studies program. In February they have

Sex sells cheese

Maybe they simply thought it was worth a try. For the fifth consecutive year the Association Fromage et Terroir publishes a calendar with cheesy photos.

Sex sells wine

No doubt it can contribute to the sales. The producer is called Domaine de l’Abbaye de Saint Hilaire. The monastic style seems to have been

Alsace Grand Cru quick facts

– 51 ’lieu dits’ (place names) are included in the Grand Cru denomination, covering 1,750 hectares – 914 ha of GC is in production (compared

Côtes de Bourg quick facts

– Some 500 grape growers: 259 independent producers, 171 cooperatuers – 3900 ha vineyards with red grapes, 25 ha (!) with white grapes – Red

The Côtes in Bordeaux now officially married

There have been five “côtes”-appellations in Bordeaux: Premières Côtes de Blaye, Côtes de Francs, Côtes de Castillon, Premières Côtes de Bordeaux and Côte de Bourg.

Call for papers for wine economists

The American Association of Wine Economists has launched a call for papers for their yearly conference in 2010. So if you have some good idea

New Wine Tech gallery / slide show

In our (recently started) series of galleries on slightly more technical issues around vine growing and wine making, and not just pretty grapes or beautiful

Wine sales up again – in the US

Sales of wine in October were up 7% according to numbers released by Nielsen for the US market. Sales dropped sharply at the beginning of

Buy an organic vineyard

If you feel tempted to invest in a vineyard and winery, and in particular in an organic one, then there are three currently for sale

A Bordeaux chateau goes up in smoke

Figuratively speaking. Chateau Labegorce Zédé (Médoc, Bordeaux) will cease to exist as a wine as of 2009. Both Labegorce Zédé and Chateau Labegorce are owned

Glasses of rose wine

Rosé port

There’s a new category of port wine: rosé. The Port Wine Institute (IDVP) has approved rosé port as a denomination. Already last year Croft launched

Antinori makes wine in Romania

“[Romaina] has all the right ingredients to produce great wines: perfect climate, very good exposure, great terroirs.” Piero Antinori says to Decanter. He has just

Parsed wine

Are you looking for a nice gift to give to your enemy? Perhaps one of the strange decanters made by the artist Etienne Meneau can

Box bar?

Can you make BiBs trendy? The first “pop up bar” is what they call it. The wine importer Philipson Söderberg has launched a wine bar

Laroche winery sold to Jeanjean

The well known wine producer Laroche has now been sold to Jeanjean. Michel Laroche thereby concludes his efforts to sell the company that he has

Wokingham Wine Festival

Another charity event: the Wokingham Wine Festival on December 5 and 6. It is for the benefit of the Multiple Sclerosis Society of the Thames

Naked Absolut – Absolut irony

We read in the newsletter WoW News (no, it’s not about computer games!) that Absolut Vodka is launching a new marketing campaign: Naked Absolut: ”

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