Category: News

BKWine Blog

New trials with genetically modified grape vines

The French agricultural research institute (INRA) has – again – planted an experimental vineyard with genetically modified vines. Out of the 500 vines in the test vineyard 70 have been genetically modified to see if

Who is Günther?

Since you read the Brief you may now have come to realise that bag in box wines are immensely popular in Sweden (and in the rest of Scandinavia). More than 50% of all wine is

What is quality wine?

Sometimes one wonders what this concept ”quality wine” means. Take the fact that half of all French wine is classified as “quality wine” (as noted elsewhere in the Brief). Formally this is defined by the

France made 47 Mhl wine in 2009 (a slight increase)

According to statistics from the French customs office (who collects such statistics) the total wine production reached 47 million hl in 2009. This is an increase from 2008 when only 43 Mhl was made. On

Promote local grape varieties (1)! Autochtona 2010

As in most old wine producing countries there is in Italy a wealth of grape traditional varieties. Unfortunately they are often overshadowed by the “international” or even Italian grape varieties that have reach international fame

World wine production is stable in 2009

If we look at world wine production it turns out that it is quite stable in 2009: only a slight increase on 2008 to reach 268 million hectolitres. Europe accounted for 68% of the total

World’s grape production stable

The production of grapes was stable in 2009: 69 million tons were produced (for wine, juice, raisins etc). In a longer perspective the trend has been steadily increasing, albeit in later years stable. In 1995

Fake wines and forgeries

The wine business is in no way safe from fraud or fakes. You may remember the recent scandal when a wine producer in the south of France sold large quantities of pinot noir wine to

Welcome to the BKWine Brief nr 83, June 2010

At this time of the year many are thinking about the upcoming vacation, or perhaps you have already left for holidays (at least in Scandinavia, summer holidays often start in June). For many of us

BKWine Photography featured on Photoshelter’s blog

One new wine picture every day (well, almost), that’s the theme of our Wine Picture Blog. Sometimes the photos are quite ‘serious’ (e.g. illustrating how pumping-over is done in the wine cellar), other days they

Who drinks the most champagne?

A while back we wrote about the world’s biggest markets for champagne. At the time we did not have, as we noted, any numbers for who is actually the biggest champagne consuming nation. A helpful

Bordeaux prices continue up for 2009s?

More and more “release prices” have been announced from the chateaux in Bordeaux, for the wines that were tasted a couple of months ago at the “primeurs”. The tendency seems to be upwards, sometimes a

Jazz and wine in the Languedoc

Each year in August there is the Jazz à l’Hospitalet festival in the Languedoc. It is the dynamic winemaker Gerard Bertrand (and ex-rugby star) that since several years arranges the festival at his vineyard at

Which wine sites do you like best?

Which wine sites do you like the best? From the point of view of: Design / site architecture User interface Usefulness or anything else It’s nice if you give a reason, but you don’t have

Binge drinking leads to risky sex – perhaps

Does binge drinking lead to risky sex among college students? The answer seems to be, yes, perhaps. The American Association of Wine Economists usually publishes papers on less sexy subjects (as e.g. Measuring the Economic

Cases of Chateau Angelus 2000 and Chateau Cheval Blanc 2001

Wine as an investment – good or bad?

Every once in a while we read about how good and how safe wine is as an investment. Not seldom it is written by someone who is offering services to potential “investors”. Felix Salmon, financial

Bag-in-box inventor dies

Sometimes in the 60s Tom Angove came home with a strange construction: a card-board box containing a plastic bag that he had filled with wine. The family thought he was nuts. But it was his

Who is Günther?

Since you read the Brief you may now have come to realise that bag in box wines are immensely popular in Sweden (and in the

What is quality wine?

Sometimes one wonders what this concept ”quality wine” means. Take the fact that half of all French wine is classified as “quality wine” (as noted

World’s grape production stable

The production of grapes was stable in 2009: 69 million tons were produced (for wine, juice, raisins etc). In a longer perspective the trend has

Fake wines and forgeries

The wine business is in no way safe from fraud or fakes. You may remember the recent scandal when a wine producer in the south

Who drinks the most champagne?

A while back we wrote about the world’s biggest markets for champagne. At the time we did not have, as we noted, any numbers for

Jazz and wine in the Languedoc

Each year in August there is the Jazz à l’Hospitalet festival in the Languedoc. It is the dynamic winemaker Gerard Bertrand (and ex-rugby star) that

Which wine sites do you like best?

Which wine sites do you like the best? From the point of view of: Design / site architecture User interface Usefulness or anything else It’s

Bag-in-box inventor dies

Sometimes in the 60s Tom Angove came home with a strange construction: a card-board box containing a plastic bag that he had filled with wine.

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