Category: News

BKWine Blog

Harvest report 2011: A good vintage in Austria

The harvest reports keep coming in from various regions. Over all the producers seem happy, more or less, even though there were some problems, at least in France. But of course, nobody wants to be

What will be next? No-alcohol vodka?

Actually, that is exactly what the Swedish monopolist retailer Systembolaget has launched, but of the flavoured kind, called “snaps”, or aquavit if you prefer. Basically, aquavit is just a white spirit (vodka is a good

Latte wine?

New rules for labelling and additives in wine All pre-packed food products must state on the label if they contain possibly allergenic products. So far, wine has been exempted from this rule. But only for

Primitive French zinfandel?

According to Vitisphere the French CTPS (Comité Technique Permanent de la Sélection) recently published a new list of permitted grapes varieties in France. New on that list is Primitivo, the star grape of Apulia in

Sweet things from Alsace

You probably had at least one sweet wine during the Christmas festivities. Here are some more suggestions for sweet wines even if the end-of-the-year party is over. Maybe with a cheese, the Christmas pudding or

Champagne from small independent producers

Two thirds of all Champagne bottles are made by the big Champagne houses. And they account for 90 % of the export. So one is forgiven if one forgets that there is another aspect of

Champagne for New Year or celebration?

Some sort of sparkling wine is the obvious choice for New Years Eve. Whether it is Champagne or not, well, that is up to you to decide. Maybe it depends on who your dinner guests

Buon Natale – Italian Christmas

For many people the celebration of Christmas is very much linked to their childhood and the traditions of their native country. But when people move to another country and get married with someone from this

Christmas Quiz

If you didn’t do it over Christmas, here it is again! We have created a small competition for the holidays. Christmas Quiz – guess the French appellation! Test yourself or your loved ones. See at

Current wine tour program for scheduled tours in 2012

What’s on at BKWine Tours “World’s Top Wine Tours” – Travel + Leisure Magazine, on 2012 wine tour program Bordeaux 9-13 May Bordeaux 19-23 September Tuscany 10-14 October Champagne 14-18 November For more information

The great Loire wine show, 6-8 February

If you are seriously interested in Loire wines you should go to the Salon des Vins de Loire wine show. It helps if you are in the trade, since it is a professional event. Perhaps

A memorable wine lunch in Languedoc

We were fortunate (you have to create your own luck!) to have a magnificent lunch and wine tasting at the wine tour we recently organised in the Languedoc-Roussillon. This district certainly merits becoming much better

What people say about the wine tours

It is always exciting to hear what travellers have to say about BKWine’s wine tours. We always try very hard to make sure that a wine and food tour will be a very special experience:

A new wire cage muselet for sparkling wine

New muselet for the champagne bottle

Will this new invention be accepted by the Champagne producers? It is not easy to introduce new closures in the Champagne region (we recall Champagne Duval-Leroy’s attempt a couple years ago, that failed due to

Who will win – Champagne or Burgundy?

At the beginning of next year president Sarkozy will decide if he will choose Champagne or Burgundy to be the French candidate for the 2012 UNESCO world cultural heritage. There is of course also the

Michelin star to Porto: The Yeatman

Porto, the second city of Portugal, has received its first Michelin star. The honour went to the restaurant at the new luxury hotel The Yeatman that opened in the summer of 2010. Well, actually it

What will be next? No-alcohol vodka?

Actually, that is exactly what the Swedish monopolist retailer Systembolaget has launched, but of the flavoured kind, called “snaps”, or aquavit if you prefer. Basically,

Latte wine?

New rules for labelling and additives in wine All pre-packed food products must state on the label if they contain possibly allergenic products. So far,

Primitive French zinfandel?

According to Vitisphere the French CTPS (Comité Technique Permanent de la Sélection) recently published a new list of permitted grapes varieties in France. New on

Sweet things from Alsace

You probably had at least one sweet wine during the Christmas festivities. Here are some more suggestions for sweet wines even if the end-of-the-year party

Buon Natale – Italian Christmas

For many people the celebration of Christmas is very much linked to their childhood and the traditions of their native country. But when people move

Christmas Quiz

If you didn’t do it over Christmas, here it is again! We have created a small competition for the holidays. Christmas Quiz – guess the

A memorable wine lunch in Languedoc

We were fortunate (you have to create your own luck!) to have a magnificent lunch and wine tasting at the wine tour we recently organised

A new wire cage muselet for sparkling wine

New muselet for the champagne bottle

Will this new invention be accepted by the Champagne producers? It is not easy to introduce new closures in the Champagne region (we recall Champagne

Michelin star to Porto: The Yeatman

Porto, the second city of Portugal, has received its first Michelin star. The honour went to the restaurant at the new luxury hotel The Yeatman

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