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BKWine Blog

Top class lunches at wine estates

One of the best things with our wine tours (at is the meals! (Well, and the wines of course!) On all our tour programs the food and gastronomy almost automatically get a very prominent

Hard winter killed vines in the Rhône Valley

This winter was harsh in many parts of France. The vines can handle quite cold temperatures in winter time and it is rare that it gets so cold in France that they do not survive.

A vine leaf attacked by mildiou (downy mildew)

Downy mildew attacks Burgundy

Coulure has been a problem in the French vineyards this year. But a bigger problem is probably the downy mildew. According to La Vigne, the mildew attacks started early this year in Burgundy, already at

Allergic to wine? New labelling rules

From this year EU countries as well as Canada require that wine labels provide information about contents in the wine that can cause allergic reactions (allergens). It is already compulsory to mention on the label

Cool flowering causes coulure in the vineyards

After a hard winter the wine growers had hoped for a nice spring and early summer. But instead, diseases have spread in the vineyards.  La Vigne informs about cool and rainy weather during flowering, which

What’s on at BKWine Tours, July 2012

A wine travel update for July 2012: What’s on at BKWine Tours “World’s Top Wine Tours” – Travel + Leisure Magazine, on 2012 wine tour program Bordeaux 19-23 September Tuscany 10-14 October Champagne 14-18

Good choice of name? Côte, coteaux or not?

Speaking of Coteaux Bourguignons (see other news item yesterday) as a name for an appellation, the trend in recent years in France has rather been to get rid of words like “coteaux” and “côte”. Côtes

Sweden has a broad range of wines, or not?

How does the fact of having a monopoly on retail sales influence the range of products on sale in Sweden? A few years back a new range of wines was introduced, the so called “On

Rules for labelling in France

On May 6, new rules were published for the labeling of wines in France. The rules come into force on 1st of July. The ministries involved, writes La Vigne, have taken quite some time to

Our “Best Wine Book” prize certificates

Bragging time? We have not shared the beautiful pictures of it before, but we have mentioned it (I think even several times). Our last book, The Creation of a Wine (Ett vin blir till, in

Men shop for wine – with some difficulty

In France, women buy the food and men the wine. Of course, with some generalization, but in La Vigne, we read of a survey conducted by the company SymphonyIRI showing that 55% of wine buyers

Cape Wine – wine show in South Africa

Cape Wine is to be held in the Cape Town Convention Centre from 25 to 27 September 2012. This is a trade event “with loads of fun built in”, according to the organisers. There will

What’s on at BKWine Tours – May 2012

“World’s Top Wine Tours” – Travel + Leisure Magazine, on Currently available scheduled tours on the wine travel program. Do take a look at the custom designed tours too. 2012 wine tour program Bordeaux

Top class lunches at wine estates

One of the best things with our wine tours (at is the meals! (Well, and the wines of course!) On all our tour programs

A vine leaf attacked by mildiou (downy mildew)

Downy mildew attacks Burgundy

Coulure has been a problem in the French vineyards this year. But a bigger problem is probably the downy mildew. According to La Vigne, the

Allergic to wine? New labelling rules

From this year EU countries as well as Canada require that wine labels provide information about contents in the wine that can cause allergic reactions

What’s on at BKWine Tours, July 2012

A wine travel update for July 2012: What’s on at BKWine Tours “World’s Top Wine Tours” – Travel + Leisure Magazine, on 2012 wine

Rules for labelling in France

On May 6, new rules were published for the labeling of wines in France. The rules come into force on 1st of July. The ministries

What’s on at BKWine Tours – May 2012

“World’s Top Wine Tours” – Travel + Leisure Magazine, on Currently available scheduled tours on the wine travel program. Do take a look at

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