Category: News

BKWine Blog

Problems in Beaujolais

As many as a quarter of all Beaujolais growers (ie 500 growers) will possibly go bankrupt before the year is over. So great is the crisis in the region, according to La Vigne. The harvest

BKWine features (sort of) in a detective crime novel

It is actually the BKWine Scandinavian Wine Fair in Paris that is mentioned in the Swedish author Anna Jansson’s book “The Alchemy’s Eternal Fire”. We don’t have as prominent a role in the book as

Diploma In Vino Amicitas, L'Association de l'Amitie Entre les Vins

I won a Lalau wine award, but not the Roeder one

We didn’t win the Louis Roederer International Wine Writers Awards 2012 but instead the In Vino Amicitas Grand Prix Lalau pour L’Amitié entre les Vins Congratulations to Andrew Jefford and Michael Fridjhon and several others for

Haslemere Wine Fest on 15 September

Apparently they have become pretty good at making wine in England these days. I haven’t had the opportunity to try any of the recent wines myself but if you are interested (I do hope you

A Portuguese winery in Mendoza: Finca Flichman

Finca Flichman is one of the wine producers in Mendoza with active European involvement. Sogrape has continued to invest in the bodega since the acquisition in 1997 and focused on improving the quality of the

Concrete Chic – fermentations among the vat makers

More and more producers are rebuilding their cellars and are replacing stainless steel vats with concrete fermentation vats. And some of those who couldn’t afford to buy stainless steel vats and had to make do

Should ”planting rights” be abolished or not?

“Planting Rights” is an archaic system by which winegrowers are not allowed to plant new vines (extend their vineyards) unless they have “planting rights”. Without these “rights” nothing can be planted. It has been in

On the travelog travel blog

You do read our travel blog, don’t you? You really should! With info around wine travel (not only our own) and other fun things. For example, some recent articles: Fantastic Sicily – new wine travel

The burning issue again: sulphur

In our March Brief we wrote that the habit of burning sulphur inside oak barrels to disinfect them is in danger of being banned. Because sulphur tablets are classified as biocides you need an authorization

What’s on at BKWine Tours (august 2012)

“World’s Top Wine Tours” – Travel + Leisure Magazine, on 2012 wine tour program Bordeaux 19-23 September Tuscany 10-14 October Champagne 14-18 November 2013 wine tour program Chile & Argentina, 4-19 February 2013 South

“Together we are strong“ say the wine co-operatives, some stats

Wine cooperatives are strong in France and especially in Languedoc-Roussillon where you find 70 % of them. Here are some interesting figures from the Fédération des Vignerons Coopérateurs Languedoc-Roussillon (Languedoc-Roussillon accounts for approximately 35 %

The best rosé comes from Provence – yes or no?

Rosé – the Provence speciality: People drink rosé in the summer, preferably well chilled and sitting on a shaded terrace overlooking the Mediterranean. What is in your glass is really not that important. This is

Problems in Beaujolais

As many as a quarter of all Beaujolais growers (ie 500 growers) will possibly go bankrupt before the year is over. So great is the

Haslemere Wine Fest on 15 September

Apparently they have become pretty good at making wine in England these days. I haven’t had the opportunity to try any of the recent wines

On the travelog travel blog

You do read our travel blog, don’t you? You really should! With info around wine travel (not only our own) and other fun things. For

The burning issue again: sulphur

In our March Brief we wrote that the habit of burning sulphur inside oak barrels to disinfect them is in danger of being banned. Because

What’s on at BKWine Tours (august 2012)

“World’s Top Wine Tours” – Travel + Leisure Magazine, on 2012 wine tour program Bordeaux 19-23 September Tuscany 10-14 October Champagne 14-18 November 2013

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