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Bag-in-box wines on shelves in a Systembolaget shop in Sweden

Special shop for Bag-in-Box

In France, there is now a retail chain that sells only bag-in-box wines. It is called Bibovino and the first one opened in Paris a

Bag-in-Box now has its own competition

It is popular with wine competitions. These can be general, for a particular grape variety, for a particular region, etc. And now even the bag-in-box

The Chinese invest in Languedoc

Chinese wine drinkers are interested not only in luxury wines from the great chateaux of Bordeaux or from the top producers in Burgundy. Chinese BHC

A red screw-cap (screw-top, screw-cork)

The screw cap is gaining ground

Some countries have gladly embraced the screw cap while the increase in other countries is slower. Wine consumer’s preferences are very different when it comes

Britt & Per Karlsson, BKWine

BKWine Brief nr 138, February 2015

Spring is in the air? Spring is (maybe) in the air although the vineyards around Europe still stand naked, waiting for their first green leaves.

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