Post Archive

The black schist (slate) llicorella soil in Priorato

Priorat named Wine Region of the Year

Priorat, just south of Barcelona, has been named Wine Region of the Year 2016 by the Swedish wine tasting association Munskänkarna (with more than 20,000

BKWine now writes for Forbes

If you have read the Brief the last few months then you have probably already seen it. We (both Britt and Per) now since some

Britt & Per Karlsson, BKWine

BKWine Brief nr 141, May 2015

Wine drinking doesn’t really have any seasons. With one big exception. Rosé wines. I have decided never to recommend a rosé to anyone. Sounds hard?

An olive grove with old trees

The Secrets of Olive Oil

Like the grapevine the expansion of the Roman Empire spread the olive tree across Europe. But not quite as far north as the vine since

First “natural” herbicide launched

The first “natural” herbicide is now available on the market. The name is Beloukha and the company that manufactures the product is called Jade. Beloukha

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