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Britt Karlsson & Per Karlsson, BKWine

BKWine Brief nr 162, February 2017

Is it time to scrap “New World Wine”? Not the wines of course but the generalising description of a group of wines using those words.

Chateau Latour barrel cellar, Bordeaux

BKWine wine tours in media

Everyone needs some encouragement once in a while. We too. We get a big kick every time we see someone mentioning our wine tours (or

Chateau Thieuley, Entre-deux-Mers, Bordeaux

Cru Artisan: small chateaux in Médoc

Cru artisan in the Médoc has made a comeback. This year, a new regulatory framework will be published. The cru artisan classification existed in the

A package of cultured wine yeast XR Grand Rouge

Cultivated natural yeast?

Yeast, cultivated or natural, is something that a lot of people feel strongly about. Both consumers and producers. Although the vast majority of producers use

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