Post Archive

Britt Karlsson & Per Karlsson, BKWine

BKWine Brief nr 187, March 2019

The dangers of becoming a super-celebrity The biggest problem with making wine is probably not to make sure the wine is good but rather to

Toasting oak barrels with fire at a cooperage

French coopers honours California

The French Coopers’ Association (Fédération des Tonneliers de France) recently held its annual meeting in Napa Valley, California. It was the first time they gathered

Glera grapes ready to be harvested in the Prosecco region in Italy

Is Prosecco a grape or an origin?

A Prosecco debate rages in both Australia and New Zealand. The big question is whether Prosecco should be considered as being a grape variety or

Britt Karlsson & Per Karlsson, BKWine

BKWine Brief nr 186, February 2019

Is it worth ageing wine? “With age comes complexity but wines get more similar with time. You find more nuances in young wines. They are

Oak barrels with Burgundy wine ageing in the cellars of Chanson, Beaune

Burgundy shows off its best figures

For the lover of statistics and/or the lover of Burgundy wines, we have found a handy and updated summary of all relevant figures concerning the

Bottles ageing at Champagne Fleury

Champagne inspires German quality sekt

VDP stands for Verband Deutscher Prädikatsweinguter and is a highly respected association of around 200 German top producers with their own set of rules for

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