Post Archive

Oak barrels with Burgundy wine ageing in the cellars of Chanson, Beaune

Burgundy shows off its best figures

For the lover of statistics and/or the lover of Burgundy wines, we have found a handy and updated summary of all relevant figures concerning the

Bottles ageing at Champagne Fleury

Champagne inspires German quality sekt

VDP stands for Verband Deutscher Prädikatsweinguter and is a highly respected association of around 200 German top producers with their own set of rules for

Britt & Per Karlsson, BKWine

BKWine Brief nr 185, January 2019

9 myths and 9 truths about organic, biodynamic, “natural” Organic wine continues to increase, it seems. Commercial success is well established in several countries already.

Vineyards in Lessona and the Alps

Lessona, a pioneer in Piedmont

Nebbiolo is more than Barolo and Barbaresco! There is much more to discover in Piedmont than just the well-known classics of Barolo and Barbaresco. Today

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