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Vin på hyllorna i Sveriges mest välsorterade Systembolagsbutik

Life as a small wine importer

A true story Systembolaget, the Swedish wine and spirits monopoly, usually boasts its wide range of products, but as is well known, the majority of

Britt Karlsson & Per Karlsson, BKWine

BKWine Brief nr 194, October 2019

Should we lament that the taste of wines have changed? That the wines we are accustomed to drinking will eventually change is probably inevitable in

Vineyards on the Corton hill, Aloxe-Corton, Burgundy

Dry year but good quality in Burgundy

Burgundy winemakers have been fighting the elements this year. Spring frosts, hail, millerandage during flowering and – perhaps most damaging – lack of water. But

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