Post Archive

Wine Link Tips

Some wine sites that you might enjoy visiting: Wine Learning Centre: Various wine information and a quite amusing section on how to pronounce wine terminology:

Don’t forget: Go on a wine tour

Just a reminder to you that we have some exciting wine tours lined up this year: Champagne, Chablis & Burgundy in May Bordeaux in June

Château Roubine, Provence | BKWine Pick

Valerie and Philippe Riboud bought the beautiful Château Roubine with the adjoining 75 hectares of vineyard in 1994. Neither of them had much experience of

Where are you?

Oh, and by the way, why don’t you put a pin for you on the Frappr map, just for fun, to show us where in

EU will allow oak chips

Contrary to previous reporting the EU has decided to allow the use of oak chips at a meeting on December 12. The decision was taken

Some Wine and Food Blogs

It is becoming more and more popular to blog. Have you tried? There are both very interesting and, hrrmm, less interesting blogs. Here is a

5,500 euro for a bottle of Hock 1727

One bottle of Rüdesheimer Apostelwein 1727 was recently sold by Christie’s in Amsterdam for more than 5,500€. According to Michael Broadbent it had a taste

Unwins in liquidation

We just learned that Unwins, one of the UK’s leading chains of wine shops (380 shops, 24 employees) has been put in liquidation after a

Buy or license our pictures

Did you know we have thousands of wine pictures available for licensing to professional photo buyers/photo editors/magazines/… Or if you want to buy a print

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