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Wine and China

– – China invests in wine production and export China is not a big wine producer today (only 4.3% of the world’s wine production) but

Asian Wine Fair in Paris

Wine from 11 Asian countries will be presented at the Asian Wine Fair in Paris on March 6. Apparently it is high season for unusual

Paris vineyards

The winemakers’ association in the Paris region (l’association des Vignerons Franciliens Réunis – VFR) have produced a map showing where you can find all the

Table Kobus, Champagne | BKWine Pick

One of the better restaurants in Epernay. Classic cuisine with a bit of innovation, but not too much. Menus around 25-37 euro, e.g. a “pear

Le Café du Passage, Paris 11 | BKWine Pick

Very pleasant. Exceptional wine list, cool jazz, mix of English club atmosphere and Italian design (owner is ex-interior designer). Outstanding selection of Rhone and southern

Some Paris Wine Shops | BKWine Pick

This is Wine Blogging Wednesday and we’ve been asked to write about some interesting wine shop. We’ll actually talk about more than one though. The

San Pedro, Molina, Chile | BKWine Pick

Vina San Pedro is Chiles biggest wine producer. They make 3 million cases each year most of their “base” wine Gato Cabernet Sauvignon. Their top

Some wine links from BKWine

Some wine sites worth having a look at: Institut Coopératif du Vin – A site for those of you who are very interested in wine

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