Post Archive

Antonin Rodet buys Maison Dufouleur

Antonin, a big négociant in Bourgogne, has bought Maison Dufouleur Père & Fils. Dufouleur is both a négociant and owns 10.5 hectares of vineyards. The

The big vodka battle?

What is vodka? What do you think? Vote in the poll below. There is a debate currently on which rules should regulate vodka production within

Wine Tours

  Wine Tours June 6-10: Bordeaux For a wine lover a trip to Bordeaux is a must! Here you find world famous châteaux and world

BKWine Brief #44, March 2007

It’s nice to find a wine article in the daily press that is a bit more thoughtful, and thought provoking, then the regular “drink this

Moueix buys share in Belair

The Moueix family has acquired 31% of Château Belair. Moueix is best known for being the owner of Château Petrus. Chateau Belair is owned by

Strong result for V&S Vin & Sprit in 2006

– V&S Vin & Sprit, the international spirit producer and wine importer owned by the Swedish government, published strong numbers for last year: Operating profits

Life is being a chef…

One of the hottest segments in the internet industry today is “social software”. It covers anything from the teenage virtual world of MySpace to professional

Journal of Wine Economics

The new and scientifically orientated Journal of Wine Economics has published its second issue. There you can read about: “Growers vs. Merchants Bargaining on the

USA the world’s biggest wine consumer?

According to a recent report from the Wine Market Council, Adams Beverage Group and Merill Research USA is currently the world’s third largest wine consuming

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