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Duvel Café, Stockholm | BKWine Pick

Don’t be fooled by the name. It’s not a beer hall. The decoration refers back to classic French bistro style with naked wooden tables, wooden

Hos Pelle, Gothenburg | BKWine Pick

Pelle is the name of the chef and ”hos” in Swedish is the same as the French ”chez”, so you’re at Pelle’s Place. The restaurant

A walk in Saint Emilion | BKWine TV

A virtual visit to the St Emilion village – a UNESCO World Heritage site. Views over the ancient wine village. Some wine shops with Saint

Desert Island Wine

Desert Island Wine Miles Lambert Gócs Ambeli Press This is NOT a book about ”what wine would you bring to the desert island?” It is

Chablis and La Chablisienne | BKWine TV

Visiting Chablis and the La Chablisienne cooperative. Touring the winery, tasting chablis, visiting the vineyard with the Grand Crus, Les Clos, Les Blanchots, Grenouilles, Valmur,…,

The World Atlas of Wine

The World Atlas of Wine Hugh Johnson, Jancis Robinson 6th edition Mitchell Beazley If you should have only one wine book then this is it.

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