A jewel of a wine?
Perhaps, perhaps not. The cooperative Les Vignerons de Buzet has launched a new elegant bag-in-box called The Vinity Case that is designed to look like
Perhaps, perhaps not. The cooperative Les Vignerons de Buzet has launched a new elegant bag-in-box called The Vinity Case that is designed to look like
The top-ten highest scoring wines in the competition Syrah du Monde was: – Australia Witchmount Estate Shiraz 2004 Witchmount Estate – Canada Pillitteri Estates Shiraz
Numbers recently published by the OIV (International Organisation of Vine and Wine) Acreage: – Argentina is since long the countries with most land under vine:
Signature Bio is a competition for organic wines that is now in its 20th year. This years competition awarded a “Special Gold Medal” to Mas
Sherry is not quite the hippest drink around these days. Unfortunately. Many sherries, especially the dry versions, are excellent wines and outstanding value. Not least
Tuscany increased its exports last year by 5.6%. The biggest growth was reported for exports of white wine to India that was up by 661%
Someone in Switzerland called wineman (or winegirl) has collected a wealth of more or less odd wine labels: www.winegirl.ch/Languages/English.html. The collection is organised according to
Both Domaine de Nizas and Chateau Saint Jacques d’Albas are part of the new wave wine makers in the Languedoc. St Jacques was created seven
Dr. Vino has created an entertaining (?) competition: Which is the world’s worst (ugliest, most tasteless…) wine label? There are many, many poor wine labels
Perhaps not a question you have asked. But it is actually quite a complicated process that still today relies to a great extend on manual
The downloadable e-zine Fine Wine has just come out with a new issue with various articles on e.g. the Rhône Valley, the new contamination-proof cork
There are just under 5000 wine producers (“bonded wineries”) in the United States. Half of these are in California, all according to a report by
The long established vineyard Clos Montmartre in Paris, just behind Sacre Coeur, must now face new competition. It is the Bretonneau hospital in the 18th
Cave d’Embres et Castelmaure, Corbières, Languedoc To reach the village of Embres et Castelmaure (yes, that’s how its called) you have to follow narrow, winding
Summer wines In northern Europe they have summer already. Swedes are complaining (or not) about 30 degrees. Here in Paris we have so far a
The hotly debated reform of the wine scheme within the EU agricultural policy has finally been agreed. Albeit a substantially weaker reform than originally proposed
Conseil des Vins de Saint Emilion has elected a new President: Jean-François Quenin at Château de Pressac. Quenin has an earlier career in retail and
Vinexpo is the world’s biggest wine show. It takes place every second year. The next edition will be on 21-25 June 2009. www.vinexpo.com
In parallel with exclusive wines becoming more and more expensive counterfeit wine bottles are becoming a more frequent problem. Much fake wine is no doubt
“Culture raisonnée” is a form of vine growing that is not quite organic, but almost. They try and reduce the use of pesticides and other
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