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Glasses of rose wine

Rosé port

There’s a new category of port wine: rosé. The Port Wine Institute (IDVP) has approved rosé port as a denomination. Already last year Croft launched

Antinori makes wine in Romania

“[Romaina] has all the right ingredients to produce great wines: perfect climate, very good exposure, great terroirs.” Piero Antinori says to Decanter. He has just

Parsed wine

Are you looking for a nice gift to give to your enemy? Perhaps one of the strange decanters made by the artist Etienne Meneau can

Box bar?

Can you make BiBs trendy? The first “pop up bar” is what they call it. The wine importer Philipson Söderberg has launched a wine bar

BKWine Brief #76 is out!

It’s done. The book is on its way from the printer’s. We haven’t seen it yet but will soon. We’re very excited. On Thursday November

”Let the children taste wine”

In many places this is a controversial statement, not least in Sweden, our country of origin. But there’s recently been quite some discussion on that

Wine Brands | book review

Wine Brands By Evelyne Resnick Publisher: Palgrave Macmillan This is an interesting book that we certainly recommend to those who are interested in the wine

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