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More Food Vocabulary Help

Dictionaries, vocabularies, lexicons Here are some suggestions for places to find more information and translations of food terms. We are happy to receive suggestions for

Various and Other

Small Gastronomic Glossary A French-Swedish-English dictionary of food terminology Liten Gastronomisk Ordlista DIVERS DIVERSE VARIOUS/OTHER bavaroise, f fromage, pudding bavarois beignet, m munk doughnut biscotte,

Herbs & Spices

Small Gastronomic Glossary A French-Swedish-English dictionary of food terminology Liten Gastronomisk Ordlista (FINES) HERBES, f, EPICES, f ÖRTKRYDDOR, KRYDDOR HERBS, SPICES ail, m, ails/aulx (pl),

Mushrooms, fungi

Small Gastronomic Glossary A French-Swedish-English dictionary of food terminology Liten Gastronomisk Ordlista CHAMPIGNONS, m SVAMP MUSHROOMS cèpe, m Karl Johan-svamp, karljohansvamp, stensopp porcini/cèpe mushrooms (boletus

Fruit & Berries

Small Gastronomic Glossary A French-Swedish-English dictionary of food terminology Liten Gastronomisk Ordlista FRUITS, BAIES, m FRUKT OCH BÄR FRUIT, BERRIES abricot, m aprikoser apricot airelle,

Fish, Shellfish & Seafood

Small Gastronomic Glossary A French-Swedish-English dictionary of food terminology Liten Gastronomisk Ordlista Important: It is often VERY difficult to precisely translate the names of some

Offal et al.

Small Gastronomic Glossary A French-Swedish-English dictionary of food terminology Liten Gastronomisk Ordlista TRIPERIE/ABATS INÄLVSMATSBUTIK/INÄLVSMAT OFFAL andouille/andouillette, f inälvskorv sausage made of chitterlings cervelle, cerveau(x) (d’agneau,


Small Gastronomic Glossary A French-Swedish-English dictionary of food terminology Liten Gastronomisk Ordlista © Copyright BKWine This glossary is available to you free of charge. In


Small Gastronomic Glossary A French-Swedish-English dictionary of food terminology Liten Gastronomisk Ordlista GIBIER, m VILT GAME biche, f hind doe cerf, m hjort deer chevreuil,

Game Birds

Small Gastronomic Glossary A French-Swedish-English dictionary of food terminology Liten Gastronomisk Ordlista GIBIER DE PLUME VILTFÅGEL GAME BIRDS bécasse, f morkulla woodcock canard (m) sauvage


Small Gastronomic Glossary A French-Swedish-English dictionary of food terminology Liten Gastronomisk Ordlista VOLAILLE, f FÅGEL POULTRY aiguillette, f tunn skiva från bröstet thin slice from


Small Gastronomic Glossary A French-Swedish-English dictionary of food terminology Liten Gastronomisk Ordlista CHARCUTERIES CHARKUTERIER ~DELICATESSEN andouille/andouillette, f inälvskorv sausage made of chitterlings boudin (m) blanc

Cheese from cow, goat, sheep


Small Gastronomic Glossary A French-Swedish-English dictionary of food terminology Liten Gastronomisk Ordlista FROMAGE OST CHEESE affiné lagrad matured (= kept by the cheese maker or

Food Dictionary Introduction

Short Gastronomic Glossary: English-French-Swedish This glossary contains words and expressions that you may encounter when you go shopping for food. It is based on real

Fresh vegetables, just home from the market


The vegetable section of our Gastronomic Dictionary A French-Swedish-English dictionary of food terminology Liten Gastronomisk Ordlista LÉGUMES, m GRÖNSAKER VEGETABLES ail, m (gousse d’) vitlök

World’s first malbec competition

It’s very popular with varietal wine competitions so for the first time in world history (!) there was recently an International Malbec Competition. Malbec perhaps

Vinisud 2010, 22-24 February

Vinisud is one of the big wine shows. It is primarily focused on the professional visitor / wine buyer. It is a very interesting wine

Study wine in British Columbia

The University of British Columbia in western Canada runs a series of wine courses as part of their continuing studies program. In February they have

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