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Prizes to wine bloggers

The wine show Salon des Vins de la Loire gives since a few years (or is this the first time?) prizes to the best wine

Not fun in Champagne

As expected 2009 was a difficult year for Champagne – the wine district that otherwise over recent time has suffered very little (none, to be

Today’s scoop

We read in The Guardian a long (it feels) article about a wine expert called Tim Hanni who, according to what the Guardian says, recommends

A big (BIG) wine bottle

But we don’t mean just big, we mean REALLY, REALLY BIG. Want Wines in Liaoning in China has produced a bottle containing 1,850 litres of

Mechanical harvester straddling a row of vines

Mechanical harvest

Grape harvest with a harvest machine (tractor) A winegrower can either harvest manually with people in the vineyard, or do mechanical harvest with a machine.

Chateau Carbonnieux 1992, Pessac Leognan, Graves, Bordeaux, cork

Cork dogs to fight TCA?

Corked wines is still a problem. It is often the fault of the foul smelling chemical TCA. Even if the situation seems to have improved

Another bright bottle idea?

Dom Pérignon, the luxury champagne brand made by Moët & Chandon, i.e. the luxury products group LVMH, has launched a special packaging of the Dom

American wine tasting in Paris

This spring (hopefully spring by then!) we will also see a very interesting wine tasting take place in Paris. This time the focus will be

The world’s lightest bottle

Tesco, the big English supermarket chain, has launched what is said to be the world’s lightest glass wine bottle, weighing only 300 grams. A normal

Jeanjean and Laroche becomes Advini

Some time ago we wrote that Laroche, the big wine producer based in Chablis, created by Michel Laroche, has been bought by the even bigger

More on Worcester Sauce

We’ve been writing about the wine blog called Worcester Sauce, written by Stuart George, since some time now. The big question has been, why is

BKWine in the press

We’ve had quite a good month, as far as press coverage goes. Dagens Industri (“the FT of Sweden”) featured BKWine in a half-page article, thanks

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