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What’s in a (wine’s) name…

Complicated wine names may be good for sales I have always thought that a complicated name on the wine label made the bottle harder to

Pinot noir bunches on the vine just before harvest in Alsace

World Wine Statistics 2010

Statistics and other numbers for the world of wine in 2010: the planted vineyard acreage, the wine production, wine consumption, wine exports and imports. (A

All time high for Bordeaux export

Le Conseil Interprofessionnel des Vins de Bordeaux , CIVB, has recently published the 2011 export figures for Bordeaux. And the figures are impressive and actually

Understanding Beaujolais

The grape gamay needs to be promoted. That is the opinion of Inter Beaujolais, which, according to, now encourages the producers to mention the

Britt & Per Karlsson, BKWine

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Cultural vineyards in Burgundy

Just before Christmas we wrote about the applications of Burgundy and Champagne to be the French candidate for the 2012 UNESCO world cultural heritage. The

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