Post Archive

Malbec vines in a vineyards in Mendoza

2013 – a good year in Argentina

They are 6 month ahead in the southern hemisphere so the harvest in e.g. Argentina is finished. This year the Argentinean harvest has been an

Yeast fermenting the must

Yeast – selected or natural?

Everyone agrees that the grape-must must ferment to become wine. However, when it comes to what type of yeast to use, opinions differ. The choice

Rhône Festival in Denmark

Inter Rhône and The Wine Company in Denmark invites you to the tenth edition of “Rhônevinfestivalen” (the Rhône Festival) on Saturday, September 14. The festival

Britt & Per Karlsson, BKWine

BKWine Brief nr 119, July 2013

One would be tempted to think that in summer time with vacation going on that the Brief would be short, that sun and other more

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