Author: Ulf Bengtsson

Ulf Bengtsson skriver om vin under pseudonymen Red Scream på sin blogg Red scream and riesling,, en blogg som blandar vin, mat, fotografi och andra livsviktiga ämnen som deckare, Stockholmspromenader och sporadisk sport. Han finns även på Facebook. – – – – – Ulf Bengtsson writes about wine under the pseudonym Red Scream on his blog Red Scream and Riesling, on wine, food, photography and other things that are important in life. Like detective novels, taking long walks in Stockholm and the occasional burst of exercise. He is also on Facebook.

10 champagne houses you should not miss

Among many champagnes we find gems that flash (ahem, ahem) To taste a hundred champagnes is a challenge. Even if you cut down the number to half or less, it is hard work. Especially when

A Pinot Noir Shootout | Ulf’s Wine(s) of the Month

Two pinots, both alike in dignity, in fair new world, where we lay our scene… A few months ago I accidentally stumbled upon a wine blog pointing to New Zealandian 2011 Schubert Marion’s Vineyard Pinot

Making the best blend every year: Jacquesson Champagnes

Jean-Hervé Chiquet talks about Jacquesson’s journey of liberating yourself from the non-vintage straight jacket in Champagne. Recently I was invited to a tasting with champagnes from Jacquesson Champagne. The tasting was organized by their Swedish

A series of champagnes from Bruno Paillard

Bruno Paillard was recently in Stockholm for a tasting of his champagnes, organised by the wine importer Tryffelsvinet. Exciting wines, some unusual ones, and some absolutely delicious. BKWine’s Ulf Bengtsson reports on the champagnes. The

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