Author: Per Karlsson

Swedish. Per is co-founder together with his wife Britt of BKWine. Rumour has it that his interest in wine started already when he was 11. Just like Britt he visits some 200 wineries each year on wine tours and for journalistic research. He writes about wine primarily online on BKWine Magazine and in the BKWine Brief. Per is also a professional photographer, specialising in wine and travel photography. See BKWine Photography for more on this. Since a few years back he has also branched out into video production on the same subject. He has contributed all images, and some text, to BKWine’s wine books.
Mjödhamnens produktbeskrivning med cirkeldiagram

Monopoly on pie charts? You must be kidding!

No, I am not kidding. The very small company called Mjödhamnen is threatened with a law suit by the very big monopoly retailer Systembolaget in Sweden. Mjödhamnen means “the port of mead” and is a

Welcome to BKWine Magazine!

BKWine Magazine is for everyone who likes wine, travel and food. We have short news items as well as longer feature articles. Wine producer profile, wine regions explained, wine travel tips, restaurant recommendations, wine book

Britt & Per Karlsson, BKWine

BKWine Brief nr 136, December 2014

A new wine year is about to begin. We will see new trends, new issues will be discussed and decided, new legislation will be made. Here are some of the things that we think will

A Christmas gift recommendation: a good wine book

No Christmas is complete without a good book coming from Santa Claus. With environmental issues becoming more and more important perhaps a good book about wine and the environment should be on the wish list?

The world’s best sparkling wine in 2014 is…

Every wine, or wine type, has its “best in the world” competition these days, it seems. Sparkling wine too of course. And since we are getting closer to the peak sparkling wine season of the

Britt & Per Karlsson, BKWine

BKWine Brief nr 135, November 2014

This month we give you a double dose of reading in the BKWine Brief. It’s been two meagre months, in terms of reading the Brief, since we have had so many wine tours to deal

Systembolaget’s profit Q1-Q3 = SEK 297 million

For the first three quarters of 2014 Systembolaget (the Swedish alcohol retail monopoly) made a profit (operating result) of 297 million kronor (32 million euro), a substantial increase over last year, according to a press

Spring wine tour to Bordeaux 2015

For the winter and spring season we have already had the wine tours to South America and to South Africa open for bookings for quite some time. One more tour is now on the schedule:

Pictures, thousands of pictures!

We have many thousands of pictures in our archive at BKWine Photography. In fact, we have well over 100,000 photos. Today, many, both professionals and non-professional “amateurs” amass significant amounts of photos, not least with

BKWine Brief nr 134, October 2014

One of the things you discover when you travel around wine regions is that there are many, many more wine producers than those that are well-known and internationally distributed. He who is content to just

Our wine tours in the press, on the travel blog

On BKWine’s Travel Blog we have recently published some press mentions that our wine tours have had. We are quite proud of all the positive words. Read more: USA Today: “Critically acclaimed and highly professional

Welcome to BKWine Magazine!

BKWine Magazine is for everyone who likes wine, travel and food. We have short news items as well as longer feature articles. Wine producer profile,

Spring wine tour to Bordeaux 2015

For the winter and spring season we have already had the wine tours to South America and to South Africa open for bookings for quite

Pictures, thousands of pictures!

We have many thousands of pictures in our archive at BKWine Photography. In fact, we have well over 100,000 photos. Today, many, both professionals and

BKWine Brief nr 134, October 2014

One of the things you discover when you travel around wine regions is that there are many, many more wine producers than those that are

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