Author: Britt Karlsson

Maker of World’s Top Wine Tours. On WBI’s Power List of wine journalists. Wine Profile of the Year 2011. We’ve been named World’s Top Wine Tours by Travel + Leisure Magazine. We’ve written a wine book that won the award World’s Best Wine Book for Professionals and another that’s been awarded Best Wine Book in Sweden for Professionals. We had (probably) the first web site on wine in Scandinavia in 1996. We publish one of the most read independent wine newsletters on wine. And lots of other things we’re proud of too.
Yeast fermenting the must

Yeast – selected or natural?

Everyone agrees that the grape-must must ferment to become wine. However, when it comes to what type of yeast to use, opinions differ. The choice is open to the winemaker to let the must ferment

The water mirror at Vina Vik, Chile

Southern France irrigates

Irrigation in the vineyards is no longer taboo in France, nor is it prohibited. (It is curious how often one still hear people saying that irrigation in France, or even in Europe, is not permitted.

Nets to protect vines from hail in Chablis, Burgundy

Rain, wind and hail. Then heat and more hail.

The bad spring turned into a cold, rainy and windy early summer in France. Hail, storms and even small tornadoes have occurred. Some regions have suffered worse than others. For example, Vouvray in the Loire

Planting Rights in Europe will remain

The planting rights in the EU were supposed to disappear. The decision was taken. And then it would have been possible for wine growers to plant more grapes if they thought they could sell more

Amorim launches new natural cork

At Vinexpo, recently held in Bordeaux, Amorim launched a new way to seal a wine bottle called Helix Concept. Helix Concept is in fact both a bottle and a cork. The cork is a slightly

Sancerre from Domaine Henri Bourgeois

Sauvignon blanc is grown around the world today but from the beginning it was Sancerre in the upper Loire Valley that made this grape famous. We have visited the Domaine Henri Bourgeois, a well-known family

A narrow street in Eguisheim, Alsace

Alsace – a mixture of French and German?

Fifty kilometres and the Rhine River separate Alsace from Germany. Just like in Germany the white wines dominate here, and just as in Germany it is riesling that is the iconic grape. Perhaps this is

Chinese champagne is but a memory

China has recently recognized the appellation Champagne. This means that in future in China you will not see any Chinese bubbles, or imported ones for that matter, that is labelled as Champagne if they do

Street sign, rue du Riesling

Monopoly on grape varieties! Why?

In recent years, many new wine laws have been introduced in the EU. Among other things, the rules for “wines without geographical origin” have changed. These used to be called vin de table in France

Tasting wines from Domaine Fèvre in Chablis

One of our most popular tours is the one called 3 French Classics wine tour. This tour always includes Chablis. The wines of Chablis are popular in many countries and it’s easy to understand why.

Good times for construction companies in Bordeaux

Out with the stainless steel and in with the concrete? The Bordeaux chateaux are building new cellars as never before. The economic crisis seems to be long gone, at least in Médoc, Saint Emilion and

Fermentation vats at Union Champagne cooperative (Champagne de Saint Gall), Champagne

Some interesting facts about Champagne

Area in production: 33 350 hectares, of which: The Champagne houses 3 400 hectares The growers own 29 900 hectares and Production: 320 million bottles, of which: The Champagne houses produce 219 million bottles, The

Replacing sulphur

Is it possible to replace the antioxidant and anti-bacterial properties of sulphur with a preservative made from grape seeds? Yes, that is the idea of Intergrapes in Italy after seven years of study. They claim

Grape bunch attacked by grey rot

Divico, new fungus-resistant grape

A new grape has been born in Switzerland, developed by the research institute Agroscope Changins. The Swiss are good at developing environmentally friendly grapes and this new grape, called Divico, has good resistance to both

Yeast fermenting the must

Yeast – selected or natural?

Everyone agrees that the grape-must must ferment to become wine. However, when it comes to what type of yeast to use, opinions differ. The choice

The water mirror at Vina Vik, Chile

Southern France irrigates

Irrigation in the vineyards is no longer taboo in France, nor is it prohibited. (It is curious how often one still hear people saying that

Amorim launches new natural cork

At Vinexpo, recently held in Bordeaux, Amorim launched a new way to seal a wine bottle called Helix Concept. Helix Concept is in fact both

Chinese champagne is but a memory

China has recently recognized the appellation Champagne. This means that in future in China you will not see any Chinese bubbles, or imported ones for

Street sign, rue du Riesling

Monopoly on grape varieties! Why?

In recent years, many new wine laws have been introduced in the EU. Among other things, the rules for “wines without geographical origin” have changed.

Replacing sulphur

Is it possible to replace the antioxidant and anti-bacterial properties of sulphur with a preservative made from grape seeds? Yes, that is the idea of

Grape bunch attacked by grey rot

Divico, new fungus-resistant grape

A new grape has been born in Switzerland, developed by the research institute Agroscope Changins. The Swiss are good at developing environmentally friendly grapes and

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