New Zealand wine exports

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In the 12 months to January 2011 New Zealand exported 1.56 Mhl (156 M litres). Almost all of it, 84 %, goes to the three top export markets: UK, Australia, and USA. Here are the top ten (to 13) export markets for NZ wines:

  • UK: 34 % of total exports
  • Australia: 30 %
  • USA: 20 %
  • Canada: 5.1 %
  • Ireland 1.3 %
  • Germany 1.3 %
  • Netherlands 1.2 %
  • China 0.8 %
  • Hong Kong 0.7 %
  • Denmark 0.7 %
  • Singapore 0.6 %
  • Sweden  0.6 %
  • Japan 0.5 %

(Source: Drinks Business & NZ Winegrowers)


Pinot noir from New Zealand
Pinot noir from New Zealand, copyright BKWine Photography

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