Welcome to the CWW, Magnus Reuterdahl

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One of BKWine’s reporters and writers joins the Circle of Wine Writers

Magnus Reuterdahl, one of our contributors, has just been admitted to the Circle of Wine Writers. We say a big welcome Magnus!

Magnus is a frequent writer and reporter here on BKWine Magazine as well as on his own blog Magnus Reuterdahls vinblogg Aqua Vitae.

Circle of Wine Writers logoThe Circle of wine Writers, CWW, was an originally British association for wine writers and wine journalists, a kind of journalists’ federation in wine. In recent years it has developed into a much more international organisation with members from many different countries who (more or less(*)) professionally work with writing and communication around wine.

Today the membership includes many different activities: writers, authors, journalists, bloggers, TV and radio presenters, photographers and other communicators.

The CWW has around 300 members and is an excellent way to keep in touch with people in the “business” of wine writing.

We, Per & Britt, are members of the CWW since some ten years back, as in the l’Association de la Press du Vin (APV) in France and in the Fédération Internationale des Journalistes en Vin (FIJEV, International Wine Journalists’ Federation).  But not in the Swedish wine writers association, Svenska Vinskribenters Förening (SVF).

(*) not in any way meant in a disparaging fashion, just meant to indicate that not all members make a living purely from writing

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