Every grape variety has it’s competition it seems and so does Barbera. In 2006 the competition counted 305 entrants, 35 of which cam from outside of Italy. The winner was Paion 2005, Barbera d’Asti Superiore from Tenuta La Fiammenga, Cioccaro di Penango. the best “foreign” wine was Rezerve 2004 from Shenandoah Vineyards, Plymouth, California (USA). No doubt the organisers would appreciate more entrants from other countries, so, Barbera producers around the world, if you hear us out there, submit your wines next year! (Contact: asperia (at) al.camcom (dot) it or barbera (at) vinidea (dot) it). A bit over half of Italy’s Barbera is produced in Piedmont. There i s a total of 30,000 ha in Italy. Other producers of Barbera are e.g. Argentina, California and Australia. Read more about Barbera here.