One more classified biodynamic chateau in Médoc: Château Durfort-Vivens

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Château Pontet-Canet in Pauillac was the first and Château Durfort-Vivens in Margaux will probably be the second Grand Cru Classé in Médoc to become biodynamically certified. Durfort-Vivens was made as second growth (deuxième grand cru classé) in the Bordeaux classification of 1855.

Owner Gonzague Lurton has worked biodynamically on part of the vineyard since 2009. He was inspired by Pontet-Canet but also from tasting wines from other producers belonging to the French biodynamic association Biodyvin. Alain Moueix at Château Fonroque in Saint Emilion, one of the first biodynamic chateaux in Bordeaux, has also helped him. The plans are that Durfort-Vivens will be run 100 % biodynamically next year and Gonzague Lurton will then also apply for certification. Read more in Drinks Business.

More and more chateaux are proving that Bordeaux vineyards, despite the humid oceanic climate, can be managed organically.

[box type=”info”]On some of our wine tours to Bordeaux we specifically explore some of the organic and biodynamic trends. Join us on a wine tour to the Bordeaux chateaux to discover for yourself.[/box]

Gonzague Lurton, owner, Chateau Durfort Vivens, Margaux, Bordeaux
Gonzague Lurton, owner, Chateau Durfort Vivens, Margaux, Bordeaux, copyright BKWine Photography

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