Napa Wine Confusion goes to Supreme Court

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In earlier Briefs we have talked about the conflict between Bronco Wine Co. and the Napa Valley Vintners. Bronco is selling a wine that is labelled “Napa” but does not contain any grapes from Napa. Bronco can do this because of a legal “loop hole”. Napa Vintners wants to stop this, arguing that a “Napa wine” should be made from Napa grapes. This conflict is now going to the Supreme Court after having been won by Napa Vintners in the California Supreme court. We can only hope that Napa Vintners is successful. It must be a bit confusing for consumers that Napa wine is not really Napa wine… Read more in e.g. The Press Democrat

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One Response

  1. OK, so this is a VERY late posting. What annoys me is the same vintners will complain because they call their sparkling wines Champagne and France would like that to stop….

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