More rosé and more dry white wine in Germany, reds dropping

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German rosé wine production reached a new peak in 2023. The share of rosé wines rose in 2023 from 13 to 16%. The increase came at the expense of red wines, which now make up only 18 percent of German quality wines, in spite of all good things said about German reds these days.

Will the next step be that they will make more rosé than red in Germany?

The proportion of white wines remained constant at 66%. Worth noting is that over half of all German quality wines, 51 percent, are now dry. This corresponds to an increase of 1% compared to 2022.

In 1985, only 16% of German wines were “trocken” (dry). In 2003 the figure was 36% and in 2016 it had increased to 46.3%.

The proportion of sweet wines is stable compared to 2022 at 29 percent. The half-dry quality wines have a share of 20%, which has not changed in 20 years.

Most of the wine produced in Germany falls under the category of “quality wine”.

Read more: wein-plus

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Weisser Burgunder vom Landschneckenkalk, Durbacher Schloss Grohl Sauvignon Blanc spatlese trocken, Gewürztraminer Weingut Ernst Popp, copyright BKWine Photography

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