Sensitive champagne houses exaggerate the protection of their brand name, Louis Roederer whines over English petnat

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It is hard to believe that it is true. And maybe it is not. But Decanter is our source and it is a serious wine magazine so it is probably true. According to them, Champagne Louis Roederer is threatening to sue the small English Urban Winery Renegarde if they don’t stop selling the wine they call Crystal (after one of their regular customers who is also pictured on the label). The wine is a pink Petnat.

I guess Roederer does not mean that anyone could seriously confuse an English petnat called Crystal with their prestige champagne Cristal (different spelling, different pronunciation, different most things). Their view of things is probably that they see the petnat taking advantage of Cristal’s reputation. But is that really likely?

Why does Roederer even bother to argue with such a small and in the context completely insignificant actor?

It’s not the first time champagne’s millionaires’ brands have done such a thing, but just the latest in a long line of muscle-flexing by those with a lot of money. It feels petty and pointless.

Read more: decanter.

And Renegades Winery’s own comment on their Facebook page.

Travel: Join us at BKWine on a Champagne tour where you can experience how fantastic the small grower’s champagne are, with the risk of you abandoning the big international brands for good. We’ve even written a prize-winning book about it.

Champagne Louis Roederer offices in Reims
Champagne Louis Roederer offices in Reims, copyright BKWine Photography

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