Desert-like drought reduces the harvest in Roussillon

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Perhaps this year, the growers in Roussillon in the southwest of France will have their lowest harvest yield ever. There has not been much rain this year, not even 200 mm. And last year was also extremely dry. Most vines still survive, especially the vineyards that are closest to the sea. But there are limits.

Many believe they will lose 40% of their harvest this year. Roussillon is expected to produce just under 400,000 hectolitres this year compared to 550,000 last year and 750,000 ten years ago.

The yield will be around 20 hl/ha. Many people are hoping for a good splash of rain this winter.

Read more: larvf

Vineyards in Collioure overlooking the Mediterranean
Vineyards in Collioure overlooking the Mediterranean, copyright BKWine Photography
Vineyards and mountains in Vallee de l'Agly in Roussillon
Vineyards and mountains in Vallee de l'Agly in Roussillon, copyright BKWine Photography
Vineyards, sea and mountains in Collioure, Roussillon
Vineyards, sea and mountains in Collioure, Roussillon, copyright BKWine Photography
A very warm and sunny summer day
A very warm and sunny summer day, copyright BKWine Photography

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