Vineyard experiments at Vinopole in Bordeaux will help winegrowers work sustainably

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There is a lot of experimentation going on in the world’s wine regions, all with the aim of tackling the impending climate change. Vinopole in Bordeaux, a research centre, is currently preparing to plant this autumn five hectares of experimental vineyards at Château Dillon in Blanquefort (southern Médoc). A range of grape varieties will be planted, grafted onto different rootstocks. Several combinations of grape variety-root stock will be studied carefully.

The purpose is to experiment with technical solutions in the medium and long term. It can be how to manage the vineyard, such as pruning techniques, planting density, how to get shade in the vineyard, how to use robotics, but also the introduction of new grape varieties from the region or other countries as well as fungus-resistant grapes.

Read more Vinopole

Travel: Come on a wine tour to Bordeaux with BKWine.

An omega graft on a vine, the rootstock to the left, the grapevine to the right
An omega graft on a vine, the rootstock to the left, the grapevine to the right, copyright BKWine Photography
Young vines from the nursery ready to be planted, with graft and roots, Burgundy
Young vines from the nursery ready to be planted, with graft and roots, Burgundy, copyright BKWine Photography

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