Strandåkra Winery, still and sparkling wines from Sweden

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Eva Nilsdotter Olsson is an organic winemaker and a sommelier. We find her on the south coast of Skåne, in the very south of Sweden. She founded Strandåkra Vingård (Strandakra Winery) in 2004 and is organically certified. We have tasted her Strandåkra sur lie 2018.

“I only made 100 bottles of this wine,” says Eva. The grapes are solaris and melon de bourgogne. Crispy apples dominate the nose and the palate with some apple seeds that give structure. Lemon and grapefruit linger in the aftertaste. The wine is very fresh. The acidity is a bit too dominant when you drink it on its own, but it is well balanced when you have it with food.

I got associations to good quality base wines in Champagne when I tasted it and actually, in 2019, Eva only made sparkling wines (a good idea in the cool climate of Sweden). She has made 278 bottles of Strandåkra 2019 Brut Nature. The grapes are solaris and seyval blanc.

She has her own equipment, including pupître, for the entire production of sparkling wine according to the traditional method. Eva mainly focuses on selling her wines to local restaurants. We wish her best of luck!

Read more strandakra

Label draft for Strandakra sur lie 2018 special edition
Label draft for Strandakra sur lie 2018 special edition, copyright BKWine Photography

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