A new IGP called Terre du Midi

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A new IGP (Indication Géographique Protégée, the category that has replaced vin de pays) will soon be launched in the south of France. It will be an IGP that brings together the departments of Aude, Hérault and Gard, all three of them in Languedoc. After several rounds of discussions it has now been decided that the name of this new IGP will be Terre du Midi.

The first name suggestion was Terre du Sud. For the INAO, l’Institut national de l’origine et de la qualité, however, this name was a little too vague and not sufficiently precise. Terre du Midi is more to their liking. But is Midi really an easy name for non-French people to understand? Do they understand that Le Midi means the South of France?

Read more: vitisphere.com.

Flowers in the vineyards in Languedoc
Flowers in the vineyards in Languedoc, copyright BKWine Photography

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