Grape growing and wine-grape varieties world-wide

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If you are interested in wine, grapes and statistics, then you are in for a treat. The University of Adelaide has published a book by Kym Andersson and Nanda R Aryal called Which Winegrape Varieties are Grown Where? A Global Empirical Picture.

winegrapes-cover-175px[1]You can buy this massive tome of 690 pages for $77 from the publisher or you can download it for free as an ebook! It is also available as an online database.

I have so far only glanced through it but already I can tell you that it has a wealth of information. But it is not light reading. Most of the book is filled with charts, tables and graphs. There are lots and lots of data on grape growing, grape varieties, vineyards etc all over the globe. It supposedly covers 99% of all grapes grown in the world.

I find this kind of numbers very interesting. It can tell you a lot about what is happening in the world of wines. (See for instance our article: The world’s grape production 2000-2012)

I look forward to coming back to it and to giving you some more info about their analysis once I have had a closer look.

But in the meantime, go and get your own copy!

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