The “natural” cork industry has made great strides this year to regain credibility with consumers. Consumer attitudes to natural cork and screw caps vary vastly from one country to another. For example, in Scandinavia (and also in the UK it seems) many people are convinced that the only intelligent, not to say perfect, bottle closure is screw cap. This is of course not quite true. In other countries consumers are convinced that natural cork is the only serious closure. Which is equally wrong.
In any case, cork producers have had a hard time and have spent quite a lot of money on campaigns to regain consumer confidence. But their latest campaign (launched in the US) gives a very sour taste in the mouth.
There are two videos. One makes it clear that if one (men) wants success with women then they should buy bottles with natural cork – it is a sure way to make them want to have sex with you. The other shows the dangers of bringing a screw cap bottle to the office party – it virtually guarantees a failed career. Yes, it is no doubt intended as light hearted humour. And yes, it is a completely failed attempt that only gives the impression that the cork industry is insensitive and silly.
See the videos here And for an alternative view on cork, screw (!) cap and sex: