The wine trade uninterested in social media and the internet

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“The wine trade shuns the wine blogs” is the heading of an article in the trade newsletter WoW News. It seems that at least the Swedish wine trade does not see much value or interest in wine blogs or other “social media” or “social networks”, not only blogs but also Facebook, Twitter and other internet phenomena.

WoW talked to some 50 trade persons, importers, buyers, journalists etc. The picture was clear: they find no interest in wine blogs and rarely read one. Some said they read a blog occasionally, but in those cases it was more likely a non-Swedish blog.

Facebook and Twitter was not even a subject mentioned in the article.

The Swedish retail monopoly was several years late in launching an online ordering system (it’s not even a shop – just an ordering system. You have to go pay and collect the good in a physical shop), and their site is far from user friendly, missing much vital information. For example, for many of the wines the name of the producer is not mentioned.

Most Swedish wine magazines have only just recently discovered internet and created first attempts to have their own online editorial sites which are more than “hello we exist” type of sites.

All of this is very curious, in a country that prides itself of being a spearhead in information technology. At least outside of the wine trade.

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