Facts and figures on Bordeaux
- 34% of all Bordeaux goes on export, 66% goes down in France
- Exports decreased with 7% in 2008 to reach 1.8 Mhl. 1998 was record year with 2.5 Mhl exported.
- Exports to Europe shrunk with 12% while ROW was stable
- The biggest export markets (in value):
-United Kingdom
-Hong Kong
-The Netherlands - Germany and the Netherlands buy cheap wines, Switzerland and Hong Kong (and to some extend USA and the UK) go for quality (or at least higher prices)
- Virtually all markets in Europe show decreasing sales. USA and Canada are relatively stable while some markets in Asia expand.
- China has arrived as a buyer with a bang: +60% in 2008 and it is now the 8th market in volume up from virtually nothing five years ago.
- 85% of exports are red wine; only 15% is white wine.
One Response
Thanks for sharing the bordeaux facts. It was nice going through it. Keep it up the good work.